Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More good news from Jess :)

Tina, Fin had a great day yesterday and an even better night last night! When he's awake, he has started to take his own breaths through his ET tube! He stays awake for an hour or more on his own and looks around, giving everyone curious eyebrows and smiling at everyone he can. What a good little boy! He's been taken off the meds to keep his BP from bottoming out and he's tolerating it just fine. Still has a low grade fever which they are blaming on abscesses which have formed in his gut b/c of the nature of his surgery. The plan is to take him to CT scan on Wednesday or Thursday, after they have had ample time to form, locate and drain them if possible. If they are small, they'll let his massive dose of antibiotics work their way into them. There's always the possibility of things looking bad and them needing to surgically go in and look around/assess the damage. But we're hopeful CT scan and percutaneous drainage will work.

So....we're hopeful and Fin's pretty happy. That's a very nice combo these days. :-)

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