Thursday, February 11, 2010

More Fin updates

Fin just might be the happiest sick kid you ever saw.

He still needs lots of medicine and care, but he's making progress. Mostly, he's just so darn cute and happy all the time. That can go a long way! The doctors are actively weaning his oxygen and upping his tube feeds. He seems to like both quite a bit. We are still weeks away from anything resembling normal, but we do like to celebrate the little improvements. Next week, the surgeon is going to put a central line in his chest which will give them better access for his IVs. They tried to put a picc line in his arm this week, but he's had those things before, and his little body didn't want to cooperate. Poor kid got poked and prodded for almost an hour before they gave up and decided to have it placed surgically. Oh well. Another bump in the road for Fin.

Here at home, the girls are suffering through the worst bout of cold symptoms yet. Lydia missed three days of school. Ruby's red eyes ran with big globs of goo. They both developed this horrid cough that has lingered for days. I'm thinking Fin is probably better off right where he is. This cold just might have put him in the hospital anyway.

Thanks for continuing to check in on us and pray for us and keep us in your daily thoughts. It's slow going and we don't always have big news to report, but we still marvel that Phineas has made it this far. This is the only life he has known, and he likes to keep us all on our toes.

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