Friday, February 5, 2010

A little bump in the road....

Fin had a pretty good night last night after a scary day for us! We are
concerned about his intolerance of feedings, his swelling tummy and his
high fever. The surgeon saw him and thinks he may have or may be
forming a bowel obstruction. But he doesn't want to operate, at least
not for now. They've sent more blood cultures although he probably has
antibiotic coverage on board already for any creepy crawler out there.
The docs are kind of mellow about everything - no one's too worked up.
We're just going crazy. All part of the ride I guess. As far as Fin's
respiratory state, they are still going to wean him off the ventilator
hopefully sometime this weekend. Yay! FIn will be glad to get the use
of his arms back! He's still the same old Fin, even with his arms
strapped down and doped up on meds and a tube down his throat. He
smiles at all the pretty girls and his old NICU girlfriends. ;-) Thank
you everyone for continuing to pray for our little guy. He really is a
miracle...but he still needs some work!

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