Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Birthdays and other things to celebrate :>

Ben wrote:

Yesterday we had a meeting about Fin; it went pretty well. There were about a dozen people there, from our home health nurse to Fin's pediatrician. They think he's really making progress, and they have a plan to get us home in five days, maybe a week. He's got to get off some medications that he can't be on at home. So that's a five day process. But that is the only thing keeping him there. It still remains to be seen how much of his food he will be able to digest and absorb, but he IS growing, so that's good. He now weighs what he weighed before his surgery. Jess changed his waste bag all by herself today, and said that it was a piece of cake! Speaking of pieces of cake, we had a birthday celebration for little old me in the hospital. The whole family was there, my brother and his three kids and my parents. And, of course, the Fin man. A good time was had by all! We wore the dude out, I think, and he slept like a baby all night.

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