Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Off to Boston!

Looks like we're going to Boston. Fin has kept dumping out his food instead of digesting it, which left him quite dehydrated. Enough so that his kidneys are doing very poorly. He was obviously super dehydrated, so they gave him the appropriate amount of fluid to help him out. He has all this fluid on board now but he's not quite peeing it out. The body's response to being too acidic is to hyperventilate and blow off the carbon dioxide. Well, Fin's not quite doing that either. That's why they put him on the vent to manage his respirations with the machine. And that seems to be working, for now. There's a big balance to try to achieve with Fin's short gut. We have to find the right amount of so much nutrition by his tummy and so much from IV. When we exceeded Fin's limit by gut, he just started pouring out his ileostomy. So when we pulled back, he didn't. The doc described it as making changes while driving 80 mph on ice. We originally came into the hospital on Saturday morning to just get his pH back in balance with adding sodium and stuff. Then we found out he was in acute renal failure. That's the way it seems to work with Phineas. Bring him in for one thing to unearth something more serious. But that's o.k. We feel like he'll be o.k. We'll see what happens!

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