Monday, April 12, 2010

The latest......

Boston seems to be a good place for Fin. He's seen a lot of specialists, and they're coming up with a plan to treat him. We feel he's in good hands. So much so, that while the doctors and nurses took care of him, we hit the town with the girls and Mimi and Papa and had a ball! Lots of food, lots of walking, lots of sightseeing. The girls loved the New England Aquarium, and we had so much fun in the city that we felt guilty leaving poor Phineas in the hospital. But it was good for Jess to get out of the same four walls and get some fresh air. Now she knows of a few places she can shop...

There are many issues for Fin to deal with as we move along, but nutrition still remains the number one focus. They are still very optimistic that his gut can eventually return to normal. It will be a process, but there are many eyes watching him, and now we are armed with more information, a better idea of his tolerance for changes, and emergency numbers for the rough patches. As he improves, we'll have more conversations about the plan.

Also, due to the effects of severe dehydration, his overall kidney health is in question. It can take up to 12 weeks for kidneys to normalize after a bout of tubal necrosis, and Fin's kidneys were already compromised in the first place. But the kidneys, especially in little people, are very forgiving and resilient organs, so we don't know where they'll level out again. But that's not the major issue. His gut is the focus, and that's the key to his health as he grows.

But let's focus on now. He had a decent wakeful period today and has shown signs of being ready to come off the vent. His numbers are looking good, he's making good urine, and he's flashing those big, bright eyes and raising his expressive brows at all the nurses. He's also fighting the breathing tube a lot, and thrashing around like a madman. He's a little tired of being stuck in his bed. The plan is to extubate him soon if he doesn't do it himself first. It's hard to keep Fin restrained, and he's not even mobile yet. The kid has some spunk, that's for sure.

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